Thursday, July 19, 2012

Weekend Update and more.. July 12, 13, 14, & 19

Hey Everyone, Sorry for the delay on this post. We have been pretty busy.

A week ago Thursday, July 12, Tommy and I had the privilege to go to Jeff Olszyk's house for dinner. Mr. Jeff and his family love bikers. They do whatever they can to try and help out. There was a tour of 8 called She's My Sister that came through NJ. They went from Daytona, Florida to NYC. They had been biking for 5 weeks when they got to Jeff's house. He invited Tommy and I to come over to ask all the questions we wanted and also had a friend of his that loves maps to come over and give us some pointers as well.

It was really neat to be able to listen to their stories. We learned how they came from all over the US to bike for this cause. Some of them showed us how to properly change a tire. They all gave us a lot of helpful advice. Jon made sure Tommy and I knew what to do if a dog comes chasing after us. It was a lot of fun!

Chad, the map expert, told us that the map we had from the library was really good and well thought out. So we now have a definite on how exactly we will be getting from Cape May to High Point, NJ. Jeff's house is also pretty close to where our route takes us and offered for us to stay at his house if needed. It is such a blessing to see how God keeps providing!!
She's My Sister Tour

Friday, Tommy and I went to the Bicycle Rack where we bought our bikes to get Tommy's pedal fixed.  Then we went for a 22 mile ride later that day! Tommy and I stoped for lunch at a road side stand. The man said we were the first bikers he had ever had stop at his stand!

The first bikers to ever stop at this road side stand!

    Saturday we had a community blood drive and picnic at our church in Piscataway and we decided to bike there on some back roads. We had gone by van from the church to our house 3 times the way we were going to go, but we had not yet gone from home to the church. We started out at 8 am and got to the church at 10:45am. It was suppose to be 19 miles to church, but we made it in 24 miles. We took a few wrong turns and wound up on Rt. 18 on accident. We had already turned around twice and decided to keep going.. Once we got into Rutgers University area there were nice sidewalks for us to bike on. It was getting there that was the scary part. I didn't take any pictures  on 18 because I was too nervous. The "path" was a skinny little line in the grass right next to the highway for a while. We got off and walked a lot. We were nuts, but we finally made it to New Durham Chapel with enough time to take a shower and set up our booth. We received $38.25 towards the motorcycles on Saturday.

on our way to Church (New Durham Chapel)

We Made It!!
Sunday we were given another $500 dollars from a family in our church. Our total that has been given towards the Pastors in India is approximately $4,650.00 that equals 3 complete motorcycles. Praise the Lord!!
Our church is having a Vacation Bible School next week and we have been preparing for it. We were not able to bike Monday - Wednesday, but Today we went for a 14.5 mile ride. It was fun, but we wish we could have done more. We will be uploading the map soon so that you can see how we plan to go from the bottom to top!

 Thanks for all of your prayers and support!
 -Anna and Tommy

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